Meeting on Cantarriján with the Delegate of D.S de La Junta de Andalucía

We reviewed the video meeting that we had a few days ago with the Territorial Delegate in Granada of the Sustainable Development Area of the Junta de Andalucía, Maria Jose Martin, and with the Mayor of Almuñécar, Trinidad Herrera, in which the Head of the Service of Protected Natural Spaces and one of its technicians in the field also participated.

In it we cover several topics of interest to Cantarriján and to the Natural Park of the Cliffs of Maro-Cerro Gordo, making him send him with a live voice our main demands, being the informational signage that indicates the NUDISTA nomenclature for Cantarriján, one of the topics that occupied the most time of the meeting.

To thank the goodwill and understanding of our requests by Mrs. Martin, as well as the support received by the Mayor of the Consistory of Almuñécar in all requests made during the meeting.

We hope and want this to soon be translated into good agreements and solutions suitable for all.

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