Nudist…And much honor!

There is little left for us to say goodbye to 2018, and we want to express a wish for this coming year that comes to us imminently.
And this is none other than to start changing our attitudes as nudists, our own idea of reflecting nudism towards others. 
Many of those who practice nudism live it practically in silence, as if it were a clandestine action or a dark reprehensible secret in our lives.
But nudism is nice, it's natural, it's healthy and it's a lot of fun! Why not tell everyone? 
A lot of nudists hide that they are. For a thousand different reasons and each and every one of them, respectable. But this "fear" that algun@s we manifest to say that to be on our beaches, hiking walks, camping stays, or simply at home, we do it naked, reflect more our own anxieties and tabues to the thought that we will give to others about ourselves that, perhaps, what they will actually think. 
If we start from that premise about "what they will say about me" we are already, unconsciously, creating a self-negative thought about nudism.
Maybe if we say it, as naturally as we take off our clothes, few are going to be the ones who won't understand us. Even algun@s to those of us who tell you, they're going to have the desire to prove it. 
But what is certain is that most will understand that we all have the right to be respected in our way of thinking. 
The only way forward in the face of the setback that nudism is suffering in recent times is to talk about it in a normal and everyday way. Only then can we make that part of society look that does not understand it, that nudism is a source of well-being, both physical and mental, and that our naked body is not only a legitimate choice before the Law, but is a dignified and respectable option. Our bare skin, our body without clothes, is not sex and only losing these fears that the rest will accept us or not as we are, we will be able to move one step further in our nudist path.
You're a nudist. Be proud to be proud to be!